How to Start Your Journey as a Cabin Crew

Have you ever looked at a passing airplane in the skies when you were young, wondering how to be a cabin crew and wishing that you become a part of the airline crew one day? For dreamers and aspiring flight attendants like you, may seem impossible given the fact that the competition is tough and that there are a lot of good-looking applicants aside from you. You might have felt intimidated back then, but you shouldn’t be!

Being a cabin crew doesn’t require you to be a magna cum laude or someone with the height of a foreign supermodel. Sure, airlines have certain requirements, but all of them are easy to comply.  You’re probably confused at the moment, not knowing where and how to start your journey. But don’t worry; this post will guide you all the way until you finally make your dream come true.

Make a move

If you really want to become a cabin crew, you will need to invest your time and effort here. Say, you can start by reading books and magazines about what flight attendants do, or how they protect their passengers in times of crisis. Bear in mind that since the competition is tough, you shouldn’t let yourself be left behind and try to be on the same level as the others. During your free time, you can practice answering the possible questions the recruiter might ask.

To jumpstart your journey as a cabin crew, here are the most essential requirements that you must possess:


  1. Legal Age

In many countries, 21 years of age is the most ideal minimum legal age for aspiring cabin crews.

  1. Body

Airlines have physical restrictions for a specific reason. Having a good height can get you noticed by the recruiters, plus, it will enable you to pass the reach test easily. While having no visible tattoos is a must for most of them.

  1. Education

Having a college degree will give you an advantage, but if you have only finished high school, you still have a good chance of being able to fly along with the passengers.

  1. Medically Fit

Since you will be working on different hours of the day, it is a must that you possess good health so you can provide better service and keep up with the demanding schedule that you will be in.


To conclude, these are just the initial requirements that can kick-start your journey. Some airlines might have a specific requirement; therefore, you should read up carefully if there is a job advertisement just so you can be more prepared.

Which airline are you eyeing right now?