Ongoing Updates to CabinCrewHQ has made a few updates to provide better information and to set a more professional look on its site. We want to expand this site as this has great potential to be a useful tool to help cabin crew applicants and those who want to know more details about the airline industry and what it takes to become a flight attendant.

We hope that we will deliver results as we provide current updates on job hunting opportunities as well as Open Day Recruitment events from different aircraft carriers in the Middle East.

Cabin Crew Logo

One of the noticeable changes is the logo we created to set a serious tone to this page. It’s not the final piece, but it’s good enough to start. We hope to make some more improvements on this.

cabin crew hq header

Flight Attendant Forum

We are excited to launch a forum soon. This way, more readers will be able to voice out their concerns and air their thoughts on different topics specifically for this cabin crew niche. We want to establish a community of aspiring flight attendants and current cabin crew employees who are passionate about the airline industry to have reference when building their cabin crew careers online.

Website Theme

Lastly, we are looking for a better theme to make the navigation of this website a breeze. We want to have a user-friendly experience overall to make the reading seamless and relaxing.

cabincrew photo

Social Media Platforms

While we are implementing these changes, kindly Like our Facebook Page if you have time. You can also follow us on Twitter and get news through your email by subscribing to our Feed.

Thanks again and till our next line of opportunities!