About Gia Marcus

As a flight attendant who’s been at this job for 13+ years, I’ve journeyed through the skies, collecting stories and experiences that have shaped who I am today. I enjoy sharing stories and guiding others through the intricate world of aviation. With my pursuit for creative writing and firsthand knowledge of the airline industry, I strive to share the narratives of life in the air and mentor those aspiring to join the cabin crew community.

I have spent years living the nomadic life up in the air as a flight attendant. As a young girl, I was always curious about the fabulous lives of flight attendants. I remember the first time I got on an airplane, I was obsessed with how glamorous, well-spoken, and helpful flight attendants were, and bingo – that was the beginning of my dream to someday become one of them. Luckily, I identified my dream career early on, chased it with all my might, and made it come true!

And then after having traveled to and lived on four different continents over a span of 15 years, I discovered my knack for storytelling to inspire others. During my time country hopping, I acquired first-hand experience observing the dynamics of the cabin crew teams, the ins and outs of the aviation industry, and the perks and perils of a jet-setting experience.

What began as daily flight journals in the skies soon sparked my interest in revealing the real day-to-day experiences of flight attendants, pilots, maintenance crews, and not-to-forget, passengers. I took up a mission to share the intimate, funny, illuminating, and rather complicated behind-the-curtain stories.

I realized I was destined to shed light on the untold stories of the industry, but needed to polish my writing abilities before I could expand my wings.

So, fast forward to a year and a half, and I have now completed my degree in creative writing to formally start my literary career. And now, I enjoy mentoring aspiring flight attendants with useful insights about the airline industry.

By giving others a sneak peek of what life for people who have to spend more time in hotel rooms, airplanes, and airport lobbies instead of their homes is really like, I would like to give back to the airline industry and the expanding legions of cabin crew who have given me so much over the years.

And more importantly, passing on the lessons learned after a lifetime of traveling and flying with travel and aviation enthusiasts around the world has now become my life’s purpose.

When not traveling or writing, I love spending time with my husband, kids, and my furbaby Milo, reading novels, and indulging in home-cooked meals for a change.