Choosing Your Best Style for Your Assessment Day

If you’re currently reading this article, you’ve probably been shortlisted and is now preparing yourself for the Assessment Day.

Before you proceed, congratulate yourself because you have what the recruiter was looking for. All you need to do is make a good impression and do well for the next level of your application process.

Recruiters on the Hiring Process
Hiring managers are professionals who can filter applicants with only a short period of time. Of course, there are a lot of aspiring cabin crews and they simply can’t thoroughly read everyone’s resume.

Usually, they would only spend 11 seconds when assessing a resume, and 4 seconds when they meet the applicant in person. Therefore, you should be able to impress them as early as possible. Now, how should you do that? The answer is to doll up!

1. Be in a smart attire.
Most aspiring cabin crews try to wear something close to the uniform of the airline that they are applying into, just so recruiters could easily imagine how fit they are for the position.

But rather than trying to mimic their uniform, try to come up on your own style. You can still follow their standard by wearing 1-inch below the knee skirt and jacket, or business suit for male applicants.

2. Try not to be revealing.
Making recruiters see how proportioned your body is fine, but bear in mind that you don’t need to wear revealing clothes to do that. Less is more.

3. No need for expensive clothes.
Your mindset is focused on making the hiring manager impressed, but know that they give little to no importance to the brand of the clothes your wearing. As long as you’re presentable enough, you’re good to go!

Aside from your clothing, another factor that you should take note of is grooming — which includes your skin, nails, and hair. Now that you’ve got your armour, all you need to do is practice what you will say and boost your confidence!