Network Aviation Flight Attendant Uniform

The Network Aviation flight attendant uniform is specially designed by the company regulations and appearance standards that the flight attendant needs to follow. The uniform style and design are duly approved by the cabin crew members.

Also Read: Network Aviation Flight Attendant Requirements

According to Designs To You, the company that produced the uniforms, the fabric used to make them is called Sorbtek, and it is a polyester yarn. The fabric was chosen for its durability and wrinkle resistance, ensuring that the flight attendants maintain a polished and professional look throughout their shifts. Besides, the Sorbtek fabric is known for its moisture-wicking properties, keeping the cabin crew cool and comfortable during long flights.

Features of Its Uniform

Male flight attendant

  • A black suit
  • A white blouse (long sleeve or short sleeve) closely buttoned up with white buttons
  • A red necktie
  • Black formal shoes (business-type)
  • Plain black socks
  • Black formal slack pants (lower uniform), tightened with a black belt

Female flight attendant

  • A knee-level V-neck dress with a red lining at the neck area on the right portion of the hemmed dress
  • A red or black, one-inch belt clinched at the waist of the black dress or pants.
  • Black formal-heeled shoes with a maximum heel length of 3 inches
  • Another set of white V-neck blouses with a red lining at the neck area, paired with black trouser pants

Female Network Aviation Cabin Crew Uniform

A knee-length black dress with an asymmetrical neckline and black pants, along with a black jacket and white shirt, having red trim on the sleeves and neckline, comprise the female staff uniform of Network Aviation. Similar accessories include a scarf made of chiffon and a red leather belt with a brushed metal buckle.

The following is a list of the items that make up a female flight attendant’s uniform:

  • Dress
  • Neck Scarf
  • Heel shoe
  • Belt
  • Pin
  • Name badge
  • ID
  • Blouse
  • Trouser pants
  • Pin

Male Network Aviation Cabin Crew Uniform

On the other hand, male employees are dressed in black jackets, white shirts, black slacks, and red ties. They also have a black belt with a silver buckle.

The following items make up the male flight attendant’s uniform:

  • Trouser pants
  • Shoes
  • Belt
  • Shoe
  • Socks
  • Blouse
  • Suit
  • Name badge
  • Pin
  • ID
  • Necktie

Luggage and Uniform Accessories (Male/Female)

In addition to their uniforms, they could finish their appearance with their favorite accessories. This can include a watch, a scarf, or a hat, provided that it complies with any regulations or standards for wearing them. The following accessories may be added at Network Aviation, though not restricted to:

  • Earrings
  • Hair tie
  • Face mask
  • Luggage (flight bag, trolley bag, or pouch)
  • Ring
  • Bracelet
  • Eyeglass
  • Belt
  • Wristwatch

Presentation and Grooming Policy

Flight attendants are required to strictly adhere to the appearance and grooming standards specified by the airline and the aviation sector, in addition to their FA uniform. This entails upholding particular dress requirements and keeping a professional look. The following are additional guidelines for appearance and grooming:

  • Flight attendants must adhere to their physical and beauty standards they should also follow their uniform policies and regulations
  • Flight attendant hair both male and female should be clean and styled neatly. A formal haircut that conforms to their look is encouraged by the male flight attendant while female cabin crew member must tie their hair neatly with proper hair comb and clean hair most especially for those flight attendants who have hair that exceed to their shoulder level.
  • Minimum facial makeup is only allowed for the female flight attendant to apply. They need to know how to blend the different shades of make-up color to create a look that complements their skin. Allowed lip colors are red, maroon, pink, or nude but they need to avoid black lip color.
  • Flight attendants should maintain good personal hygiene to promote cleanliness within themselves. It is crucial because it is part of their job to interact with and communicate with their passengers and other people.
  • The worn uniform of the flight attendant should be clean and neat. It is also important that it is well-pressed to avoid wrinkle-free clothing. They are not allowed to alter the uniform style unless it is prescribed by the company.

Important Notes to Remember

  • It is not encouraged for both male and female FAs to have visible tattoos and other body art while wearing the company uniform.
  • Only female flight attendants are allowed to wear a pair of ear piercings. Male flight attendants are prohibited from wearing them.
  • Uniform design, style, and color must adhere to the released company uniform design. Adding extra design to the worn uniform is not allowed.
  • It is not allowed for flight attendants to smoke while they are on duty or even in public areas unless they are working or in the designated smoking areas.
  • Wearing a pair of running shoes to be paired with their worn uniform is discouraged.
  • It is not allowed for the flight attendant to use their mobile phones while at work.
  • Flight attendants must be professional all the time.
  • Simple jewelry like earrings, rings, or wristwatches are allowed for the flight attendant to wear.
  • It is not allowed for male cabin crew members to apply makeup, but they can take good care of their skin by following a regular skincare routine.

Also Read: Network Aviation Flight Attendant Salary and Benefits

Video: DTY Network Aviation Presentation

DTY’s video, “Design To You,” showcases the Network Aviation company’s uniform collection. It features the process of creating the uniform, from design deliberation to fabric selection and style, to fitting and unveiling the final outfit look that conforms to the wearer’s fashion style. Hence, the video provides a comprehensive view of the company’s uniform creation process.


In summary, the appearance standards for Network Aviation flight attendants include wearing uniforms made of Sorbtek fabric, which is durable, wrinkle-resistant, and moisture-wicking. This fabric ensures that flight attendants maintain a polished and professional look while staying cool and comfortable during long flights. The uniform style and design have been approved by the cabin crew members, further emphasizing the importance of adhering to these appearance standards.