Wizz Air Flight Attendants make an estimated salary of £26.05 per hour ($32.01) or roughly £1,954 per month ($2,401). This salary range is based on the airline’s official website. There are three levels for FAs to get salary increases, and the said rates above are intended for Junior Flight Attendants. Your salary will not only be limited to this per-hour or monthly rate. There are still incentives, bonuses, and additional allowances that can increase your monthly payments. The computation provided by the airline is based on a monthly average of 18-28 flights.
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Wizz Air, legally known as Wizz Air Hungary Ltd. is a Hungarian ultra-low-cost airline headquartered in Budapest. The airline covers several cities around Europe, as well as some locations in North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. It has the largest fleet of any Hungarian airline, despite not being a flag carrier, and serves 44 countries. As of 2020, the airline operates from Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport and London Luton Airport, and it serves 164 airports. Wizz Air also holds the appreciation as the Greenest Airline in Europe because of its nature-friendly programs and operations inside its business.

Wizz Air Flight Attendant Cash Salary Breakdown
- Basic Salary – A Flight Attendant at Wizz Air can expect to earn an estimated salary of £1,954 per month ($2,401). This salary range is a bit higher than other airlines in Europe. This is based on the details posted on the official careers website of the airline company. Air hosts and air hostesses in the said airline can also earn an extra salary through special flights, bonuses, commissions, profit sharing, stock options, and tips are all possible forms of additional compensation. Salary may also increase depending on the length of service.
- Flying Pay – Based on the given per basic yearly pay for new Flight Attendants on the Wizz Air website’s career page, a newbie can earn an estimated starting wage of£26.05 per hour ($32.01). The rate per hour offer is usually discussed during orientation, you can also find the actual offer at the job posting on their website.
- Layover Allowance – Currently, there are no publicized per diem pay rates for Flight Attendants at Wizz Air. If the airline has layovers at several locations, the cabin staff is compensated for the nights spent away from home, which varies based on the location. This per diem pay is intended to cover the expenses of all your meals and some other expenses during the stopover.
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Flight Attendants at Wizz Air can enjoy a lot of flight attendant perks and of course a competitive salary. This starts on the very first day of the training. Here are some other benefits you can have.
- A competitive wage
- A vibrant and stable position in a growing firm
- You’ll get to enjoy your fleet because everyone is a friend, not just a colleague.
- Possibilities to visit WIZZ destinations by yourself or with friends/family during “off-hours” owing to exceptional travel discounts and bonus airline tickets.
- A comprehensive and free Cabin Crew training program.
- You will be hired and paid on the first day of training.
- Working on a monthly publication schedule

This is an actual video of a training journey at Wizz Air. As an aspiring Flight Attendant, you will be facing these challenges too. But, unlike any airline in UK, Wizz Air provides training salaries for new FAs. This will give you some motivation to finish your training successfully.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are some of the common questions asked about Wizz Air:
1. Does this airline offer a competitive salary?
At Wizz Air, Flight Attendants get so much appreciation and value for their work. The airline offers competitive salary rates for both junior and senior-level FAs.
2. Where is Wizz Air based?
Wizz Air, established in Budapest, is a major low-cost carrier and Europe’s greenest airline. They acquired this award by operating a relatively modern and efficient fleet of airplanes, prohibiting single-use plastics in the cabin, implementing a carbon offsetting scheme, and employing paperless flight decks.
3. How many flights do newbies get per month?
A new Flight Attendant at Wizz Air can have 18-28 flights per month.
4. Why does Wizz Air fly at different types of airports?
Wizz Air is always seeking new ways to expand its network of destinations and deliver low-cost plane travel. They are dedicated to creating the lowest cost basis in the Central and Eastern European region, and airport selection are critical. This is why they fly to a variety of primary, secondary, and regional airports, offering courteous and quick customer service at a reasonable cost, as shown in WIZZ rates. They are always negotiating the establishment of a network of operations at more airports.
5. Why do other FAs get better rates?
Your salary or rate may depend on your seniority level as an FA. At Wizz Air, there are three levels for FAs, these are Junior Cabin Attendant, Cabin Attendant, and Senior Cabin Attendant. Each has a specific salary range. With hard work and dedication, career progression in Wizz Air is definitely achievable.
6. How much can I earn as a Junior FA?
Wizz Air Flight Attendants make an estimated salary of £26.05 per hour ($32.01) or roughly £1,954 per month ($2,401). The said salary is from the annual rate computation of the airline for Junior FAs, and is based on a monthly average of 18-28 flights.

Wizz Air is a great choice for aspiring Flight Attendants who want to enjoy the perks of being in the aviation industry. With competitive salary rates and flexible working hours, it’s no wonder why so many people are drawn towards this airline as their career option. You can also take advantage of exceptional travel discounts and bonus tickets if you wish to explore some destinations on your own or with friends/family during “off-hours”.
All these benefits make Wizz Air an attractive carrier that provides extraordinary opportunities for its employees. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your journey today!