Loganair Flight Attendants make an estimated salary of £20 per hour ($25.53) or roughly £1,551 per month ($1,914). This salary range is according to Glassdoor’s estimated annual based pay divided into 12 months and 75 hours of estimated flight duty per month. Your earnings as a flight attendant don’t stop here because there are still incentives, bonuses, and additional allowances that can increase your monthly payments.
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Loganair is a Scottish small airline situated near Paisley, Scotland, at Glasgow Airport. In terms of passenger counts and fleet size, it is the largest regional airline in the United Kingdom. Willie Logan of the Logan Construction Company Ltd founded Loganair in 1962 to serve as an air charter arm with a Piper PA-23 Aztec located in Edinburgh. It has hubs at Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Inverness, and Newcastle airports, in addition to its main base in Glasgow. It holds the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Type A Operating License, allowing it to transport passengers, cargo, and mail on aircraft with 20 or more seats.

Loganair Flight Attendant Cash Salary Breakdown
- Basic Salary – A Flight Attendant at Loganair can expect to earn an estimated salary of £1,551 per month ($1,914). This is according to the given salary data of the famous job review website Glassdoor.com. FAs in the said airline can also earn an extra salary through special flights, bonuses, commissions, profit sharing, stock options, and tips are all possible forms of additional compensation.
- Flying Pay – Based on the given basic annual pay for new Flight Attendants by Glassdoor, FAs can earn an estimated starting wage of £20 per hour ($25.53). The rate per hour offer is usually discussed during orientation, you can also find the actual offer at specific job posting on their website during mass hiring.
- Layover Allowance – Currently, there are publicized per diem pay rates for Flight Attendants at Loganair. If the airline has layovers at several locations, all cabin staff on duty will be compensated for the nights spent away from the base, which varies based on the location. This per diem pay is intended to cover the expenses of all your meals and other expenses during the stopover.
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- Medical Insurance – Flight Attendants are covered with comprehensive medical insurance. Some airlines even pay a significant portion of the expense, making the monthly premium for medical and prescription drug coverage for employees and their families very low and reasonable.
- 401k – Loganair flight attendants can Invest in a retirement plan like 401(k). This allows you to designate a portion of your salary to be deducted from each paycheck and invested in a specific account. You can then deploy your funds among the plan’s investment options, which often include several mutual funds.
- Profit Sharing Plan – Flight Attendants at most airlines are eligible for Profit Sharing Plan, which compensates employees for their contributions to the company’s profitability. This will be discussed during orientation together with other benefits.
- Gym Membership Discounts – To help flight attendants keep in shape and stay healthy, Loganair provides Gym Membership. You can take advantage of it during your free time or vacation.
- Free Flights – One of the many perks of the flight attendant job is the free and discounted flights. The airline will also allow you to include a spouse or committed/registered partner, and eligible dependent children at a specific age requirement. FAs can also choose their trip thanks to pass arrangements with other airlines and discounts with rental car companies, hotels, amusement parks, and other businesses.
Video: Loganair’s 60th Anniversary
Let’s admit it, experienced airlines who already build a reputation for decades then give salaries and benefits that value their people’s hard work. Not all airlines, but this applies to most. This anniversary of Loganair will let you see how the airline started and it’s still flying after six decades.

Frequently Asked Questions
The following are some of the common questions asked about Loganair:
1. What is the standing of Loganair before and after the pandemic?
A good airline knows how to handle rough times, making every negative impact as an advantage. Now that Flybe ceased operations, Loganair started operating several Flybe’s former routes, allowing it to expand its route network to additional airports including Newquay, Southampton, Birmingham, and Exeter. Even the epidemic couldn’t put an end to an airline that has had its fair share of problems over the years. As most flights were grounded as the pandemic progressed, Loganair continued to deliver patients, tests, and equipment throughout Scotland and beyond afield.
2. How much is Loganair’s Flight Attendants’ base pay?
Loganair Flight Attendants earn approximately £20 per hour ($25.53) or £1,551 per month ($1,914). This figure is based on Glassdoor’s anticipated annual basis pay divided into 12 months and 75 hours of work duty per month.
3. Where does Loganair fly?
Loganair offers 29 domestic and 7 international destinations in 5 countries as of March 2023.
4. Is Loganair a good company?
Loganair is an airline based in the United Kingdom. On Flight-Report, this airline is ranked among the top ten carriers. The airline has an 8.3/10 rating among frequent flyers.

Loganair is a great airline that has been around for over sixty years and offers its flight attendants many benefits. Their base pay rate is competitive, with comprehensive medical insurance being offered as well as 401k plans and profit sharing schemes. Additionally, they offer gym discounts and free flights to their employees and dependents. With 29 domestic destinations in the UK along with 7 international ones across 5 countries, it’s no wonder why this carrier receives such high ratings on Flight-Report from frequent flyers – 8.3/10!
Ultimately, if you are looking for an airline that values its people while providing excellent service to customers all over the world then Loganair should be your top choice!