- The Physical Appearance requirements of the cabin crew do not require you to be of certain skin color.
- There’s nothing wrong with being dark-skinned – in fact, many airlines are now looking for cabin crew that represents the diversity of their customer base.
- If you have a darker/duskier complexion and you meet the other requirements for becoming a cabin crew, then you should not let your skin color hold you back from applying for the job.
First off, there’s nothing wrong with being dark-skinned. It is an old misconception that only people with light skin can become cabin crew. Nowadays, as the world is becoming more globalized and diverse, airlines are looking for cabin crew that can represent their brand well and reflects the diversity of their customer base. So yes, you can work as a flight attendant whatever is your skin color!
So, if you are dark-skinned and meet the other requirements for becoming a cabin crew, then you should not let your skin color hold you back from applying for the job. Who knows, you might just be the perfect candidate that an airline is looking for!
In order to become a cabin crew member, you will need to meet certain requirements, such as having a good level of English and being able to swim. You will also need to be able to pass a medical examination. If you meet all of these requirements, then you should not have any problem becoming a cabin crew member.
The Physical Appearance requirements of the cabin crew do not require you to be of certain skin color.
- Concerns of Dark-Skin Flight Attendant Applicants
- Why do other airlines seem to apply only to flight attendants according to a certain skin category?
- Working as a Flight Attendant is NOT about the Color of Your Skin
- Maintaining a Professional Appearance
- Top Airline Companies Hiring Multinational Flight Attendants
- Summary
Concerns of Dark-Skin Flight Attendant Applicants
Many dark-skinned cabin crew members report feeling like they have to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. They often feel like they have to prove themselves more than their lighter-skinned colleagues.
As a result, dark-skinned cabin crew members often feel like they have to put in extra effort to be seen as competent and capable. In an industry that is already highly competitive, this can be a significant barrier to success.
But please understand that this is not the case anymore. Majority of airline companies hire individuals irrespective of their race or skin color.
Why do other airlines seem to apply only to flight attendants according to a certain skin category?
They don’t. Please don’t mistake nationality with skin color. Some airlines require only a specific nationality in their job description because that is the requirement also for the job and the airline company where it is based.
This is not about the color of your skin, but the nationality and country where the airline is based. An American airline company may prioritize American citizens for their jobs. It’s the same as a German airline that will prioritize German nationalities.
This is also the same with other job positions in other industries. It depends on the location where the job is going to take place.
Unless these airline companies will open passenger flight routes on a different country and may require a specific language skill-set, then the local nationality will always be at an advantage.

Working as a Flight Attendant is NOT about the Color of Your Skin
Cabin crew is not about skin tone. The job is about providing excellent customer service and ensuring the safety of passengers.
Skin tone should not be a factor in determining who is qualified to be a cabin crew member. The most important thing is that the person has the necessary skills and training to do the job well.
As long as an individual meets those qualifications, skin tone should not be a barrier to employment.
Maintaining a Professional Appearance
One of the most important aspects of being a cabin crew member is maintaining a professional appearance.
You need to be able to present yourself in a positive light and make sure that the passengers feel comfortable with you.
Physically you should:
- Have a height and weight that is proportionate
- Have good and healthy teeth
- No visible tattoos
- Practice good grooming

Top Airline Companies Hiring Multinational Flight Attendants
Most of the top airline companies hire flight attendants from different countries. Some of them include:
- Emirates
- Virgin Atlantic
- Qantas Airways
- Air France
- Etihad Airways
- Qatar Airways
- British Airways
- United Airlines
Take note that some of the job openings for cabin crews may require an applicant to speak an additional language other than English so this is a factor in some hiring open days. They will not indicate the color of your skin.
If you are dark-skinned and meet the other requirements for becoming a cabin crew, then you should not let your skin color hold you back from applying.
The most important thing is to be qualified enough to do the job well. As long as an individual meets those qualifications, skin tone should not be a barrier to employment.
Having a professional appearance is also very important- it’s how we represent our airline brand after all!